WATCH | Christmas Eve Homily of Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD

WATCH | Christmas Eve Homily of Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD

WATCH | Christmas Eve Homily of Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD December 24, 2022 San Nicolas de Tolentino Cathedral Tandag City, Surigao del Sur #ChristmasSeason #400YearsOfChristianity #400YearsSNDT #SanNicolasDeTolentinoTandag #TandagDiocese #TaDSCoM #WePrayAsOne ----------------------------- Be informed! Be updated! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel:    / tandagdiocese   Like our official Facebook Page:   / tandagdiocese   Follow us on Instagram:   / tandagdiocese