County Building Permits | High Tunnel Greenhouse & Storage Sheds | Homestead Infrastructure Planning

County Building Permits | High Tunnel Greenhouse & Storage Sheds | Homestead Infrastructure Planning

Join us as we submit the paperwork for our county building permits for the new high tunnel greenhouse and storage sheds! Our homestead infrastructure planning process is underway! We need to submit the pan to the county for zoning, health department, and building permit approvals. It is a process but one that is important as you plan to develop your homestead. This is part 1 in the long process of getting these projects completed! OUR WEBSITE IS COMING SOON! Visit Amy's Cooking Channel - Amy Learns to Cook:    / amylearnstocook   ⚡CONNECT WITH BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN HOMESTEAD ON SOCIAL MEDIA⚡ FACEBOOK:   / blueridgemountainhomestead   NOTE: Any links in this description, including Amazon, are affiliate links.