We Pulled the Building Permit! Greenhouse High Tunnel & Amish Garden Shed | Homestead Infrastructure

We Pulled the Building Permit! Greenhouse High Tunnel & Amish Garden Shed | Homestead Infrastructure

We got the building permit! Step 2 is done for the greenhouse high tunnel & Amish garden shed installation! Now the main part of the planning stage begins! We are one step closer to having a garden space for the new homestead! OUR WEBSITE IS COMING SOON! https://blueridgemountainhomestead.com/ Visit Amy's Cooking Channel - Amy Learns to Cook:    / amylearnstocook   ⚡CONNECT WITH BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN HOMESTEAD ON SOCIAL MEDIA⚡ FACEBOOK:   / blueridgemountainhomestead   NOTE: Any links in this description, including Amazon, are affiliate links. #buildingpermit #hightunnel