Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Wed 29th Nov. 2023, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road
Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Daily Mass at 6:15 am Wednesday 29th November 2023, Wednesday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time, Year 1. Begins with Mass Intention and the Angelus at 6:11am, Holy Eucharist at 6:15 am followed by the Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Succour. ++ During this Holy Eucharist, we pray for the following Intentions: +For the Souls of: Ignatius Precious D’Souza, Anthony Lobo, Pais, Fernandes, Stanislaus & Cordeiro, Daniel Baptisto Dias, Baptist D’Souza & All souls in purgatory, Salvador & Evelin Braggs, Carmo Michael D’Lima, Lawrence D’Souza. Special Petition:- For good health of Valentina Dias Thanksgiving Mass:- By Jacinta D’Souza, By Ligorio & Jessie Pereira