Greenfield Live, Sunday Morning Worship Dec 4, 2022

Greenfield Live, Sunday Morning Worship Dec 4, 2022

Visit our website: Join Us on Facebook:   / greenfieldpresbyterian   December 4, 2022, 11AM ORDER OF WORSHIP PRELUDE WELCOME CALL TO WORSHIP: One: We come to prepare the way; All: The way for Christ – One: the hope of Christ, the peace of Christ – All: to enter our world, to enter our hearts. One: We cry out together in the wilderness: All: The kingdom of heaven has come near. One: We come to be part of the light– All: the light that shines in the darkness. HYMN: On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTING: One: Last Sunday we lit the candle of hope. Today we light the second candle of Advent, the candle of peace. When Jesus entered our world it was to angelic acclamation of “Peace on Earth!” and “Goodwill to All!” Advent reminds us that we are called to embody the peace Christ brings, seeking reconciliation between nations, races, clans, and creating the one new humanity in Christ. With great expectation we look for the day of peace, when divisions and warfare will cease, and we will all gather together at table with Christ our Lord. We light these candles in Hope and Peace. (Light two blue candles) Please join us in prayer: All: O God may we never forget the message of peace and reconciliation Christ brings. As we wait for the Prince of Peace may our lives be filled with acts of reconciliation and always live in anticipation of the new humanity that comes through Jesus Christ our Lord. CANDLE HYMN: The Holy Fire of Advent, - Elana Keppel Levy CALL TO CONFESSION: There is a voice crying out in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” In this moment of confession, we prepare a way for God in our hearts and in our lives. Let us pray together: PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Holy and loving God, we have dwelt in darkness and preferred it to the light; we have been proud of our accomplishments and despaired over our shortcomings. Smooth down the mountains of our pride, and lift up the valleys of our doubts. Open a path in the wilderness of our lives that we might find our way to You again. Refine us and prepare us once again for life in Your kingdom. SILENT CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Hear the Good News, the one who comes in God’s name arrive with forgiveness and healing. In Christ we are forgiven and made whole. Thanks be to God. Amen. PASSING OF THE PEACE One: The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. All: And also with you. GLORIA PATRI TIME WITH CHILDREN SPECIAL MUSIC: Hear the Prophets Talking, K. Bible; Nancy Park and Dana Howe, vocalists PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE LESSON: Matthew 3:1-12 MESSAGE: All I Want for Christmas is Repentance by the Rev. Anders Edstrom SILENT MEDITATION HYMN: Comfort, Comfort Now My People PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE ANNOUNCEMENTS MINUTE FOR MISSION: Giving Tree INVITATION TO THE OFFERING OFFERTORY: God with Us, Emmanuel, M. Hill; Chancel Choir DOXOLOGY PRAYER OF DEDICATION LORD’S SUPPER THE LORD’S PRAYER: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. COMMUNION SONG: O God of Peace, You Sent Us John, Carolyn Winfrey Gillette PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION HYMN: Prepare the Way, O Zion CHARGE AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE