3 WEEKS OUT | Day In The Life/FDOE Bikini Prep Series | Update
Hey & WELCOME to my channel! Today's video is a 3 WEEK OUT physique update, prep update, day in the life/full day of eating :) / tbakertucker / tbakertucker VOTE FOR ME: MS HEALTH AND FITNESS 2021 https://mshealthandfitness.com/2021/t... TLF TRY ON: • TLF ATHELTIC WEAR TEMPO/TECHNE COLLEC... ONLINE COACHING: https://o77wai45wxb.typeform.com/to/x... ^ WORK WITH ME ONE ON ONE SHOP JACKED FACTORY: https://shop.jackedfactory.com/#5fad6... CODE: TBT TO SAVE 20% TLF APPAREL: https://shoptlf.com/tbakertucker CODE: TLF - TBT PROSPRE APP: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-stor... Thanks for watching :)