पंजाबी स्टाइल सरसों का साग और मक्की की रोटी | Sarson Ka Saag | Makki ki Roti |

पंजाबी स्टाइल सरसों का साग और मक्की की रोटी | Sarson Ka Saag | Makki ki Roti |

सरसों का साग मक्के की रोटी बनाने का आसान तरीका | Sarson Ka saag | Makke Ki Roti | indian recipes, indian recipes video, indian recipes video in hindi, honest kitchen by chef bhupi, chef bhupi recipes, sarson ka saag makki ki roti, makki ki roti sarson ka saag, makki ki roti sarson ka saag recipe, sarson ka saag recipe in hindi, makki ki roti recipe in hindi, sarso ka saag recipe in hindi, sarson ka saag recipe punjabi style, authentic saag recipe sarson ka saag, sarson da saag, sarson ka saag bnane ki vidhi, sarson ka saag kaise bnate hai, saron da saag, makki ki roti, sarson ka saag recipe in hindi, perfect sarson ka saag, sarson ka saag recipe, sarson ka saag makki ki roti, punjabi sarson ka saag, sarson da saag punjabi, asli sarson ka saag, makki ki roti re recipe, makke do roti, cooking with chef ashok, saag recipe, perfect sarson ka saag recipe #sarosonsaag #saag #makkekiroti#sarsondasaag #sarsonkasaag #makkikiroti #saagrecipe rezepte, schnelles abendessen, Kartoffeln, Eier, im Ofen, Rezept, einfache rezepte, rezept, einfaches rezept, rezepte schnell und einfach, schnelle rezepte, gesunde rezepte, schnelles rezept, einfaches und schnelles rezept kartoffeln, leckeres rezept, kartoffeln, leckere rezepte, abendessen rezept, rezept kartoffeln mit eiern, köstliches rezept, essen rezepte, einfaches kartoffel rezept, abendessen rezepte, rezept für eier und kartoffeln, Alle nachbarn werden nach dem rezept fragen #happysort84 #benganrecipe #benganbharta #recipe #happysorts84 #healthyragirottirecipe #healthybreakfast #finfermilletrecipe #softrotirecipe #glutenfreefood #ragirecipe #fingermilletrecipe #breakfast #homecooking #homecookingshow#rrkitchen1112 Ragi, known as finger millets is a power house of nutrition. There are multiple recipes we can make with it especially when it comes to Indian cuisine. So this recipe is a main course recipe, an Indian bread made with ragi flour basically. I have tried to show the easiest possible method to make the mooli paratha and cook them instantly. Follow this procedure for best taste and soft crispy parathas. You can serve these with any side dish of your choice, but in this video, I put them together with some tomato thokku. Do give this a try and enjoy.