Beyond the Walls Online Church NOV 1

Beyond the Walls Online Church NOV 1

Join with hundred of participants from around the world for a communion service as we commemorate the 5th anniversary of the dedication of Toronto Centre Place. President Stassi Cramm, Community of Christ’s Presiding Bishop, returns to give the message on the theme “For All the Saints.” Linda Booth will offer our Disciples Generous Response and John Hamer will give our Peace Lesson. Carman Thompson will offer the invocation and Penelope Prior Belrose will read our Call to Worship. Ann Mitchell will read the lectionary text of Matthew 22:34-36, the beatitudes. Roger Dodson and Gordon Hodgins will offer prayers on the Lord’s Supper. Join the Beyond the Walls choir in singing hymn CCS #198 “By the Babylonian Rivers,” and #622 “Send Forth Your Light, O Zion.” Let us build a community Beyond the Walls this Sunday, Nov 1st, 2020, 12PM EDT, 11AM CDT, 10AM MDT, 9AM PDT (UTC -4) CON SUBTÍTULOS EN ESPAÑOL. AVEC DES SOUS-TITRES EN FRANÇAIS. Experience a non-dogmatic and non-judgmental church service open to interfaith and skeptical perspectives. We reject literal interpretations of scripture and approach the Bible in context: authors, audiences, purposes, and goals, hoping to find new insight and value. We welcome all ages, gender identities, gender expressions, religious backgrounds, religious affiliations, spiritual types, political leanings, educational levels, financial capacities, and physical abilities. Our mission is to invite everyone into community, to continually learn & grow, to abolish poverty & end needless suffering, to pursue peace everywhere, and to live life meaningfully together.