Ofloxacin tablet 200mg in hind | oflox tablet | oflomac tab | zonacin tab | zenflox | Medicos Cure
Welcome to the Medicos cure:- in this video we discussed about ofloxacin tablet in hindi. tablet ofloxacin is an antibacterial and fluroquinolones antibiotic category medicine that mostly used for those patient suffering from Respiratory tract infection, Pneumonia, lung infection, Urinary tract infection, kidney infection, prostatitis, Pelvic inflammatory, bacterial diarrhea and skin infection. we also discussed ofloxacin DOSE, Contraindication,Side effects. Brand Name:-oflox 200, Zonacin 200' Zo 200, Zenflox 200, oflomac 200. #medicine #respiratorydiseases #pneumonia #urinarytractinfections #prostatitis #skin infection #pelvicinflammatorydisease #lungsinfection