Total Body Dumbbell HIIT (NO REPEATS) 🔥 Burn Up To 500 Calories!

Total Body Dumbbell HIIT (NO REPEATS) 🔥 Burn Up To 500 Calories!

🔥 Build strength, muscle, and power from home! The 8 Week Stronger Challenge is your no-excuses program to get results with just dumbbells and bodyweight. Ready to level up? Ready to crush your workout in just one session? This high energy dumbbell HIIT routine combines 30 sec bursts with short 15 sec rest periods to keep your heart pumping and muscles working hard. There are 4 rounds of 8 HIIT intervals followed by a 1 min core challenge before moving on to the next round. With a mix of strength, cardio, and core challenges, you’ll torch calories, build endurance, and leave feeling stronger than before. Let’s push through together—no repeat. Hit play and let’s get to work! 🔥 501 calories burned during this workout - results will vary depending on your weight, effort, etc. If you enjoy the workout be sure to like this video and subscribe -! Your support fuels more free workouts like this! ⚡️ My FAVORITE protein powder, aminos & creatine: for 20% off 📸 Instagram: 📱 TikTok: WORKOUT DETAILS ⏱️ Duration: 35 minutes + 3 minute cool down & stretch 🏋️ Equipment: a set of light to medium dumbbells (for reference I'm using 20lb dumbbells) and a workout mat (optional) Format: 4 rounds // each round = 8 bodyweight and dumbbell exercises then straight into a 1 min core challenge ⏱️ Interval times: 30 sec work / 15 sec rest ⏱️ Core Intervals: 60 sec work / 30 sec rest ⏱️ AMRAP Finisher: 1 min 30 sec as many reps as possible 00:00 35 Min Total Body Dumbbell HIIT Workout - Burn 500 Calories Warm Up // 30x6 00:25 Jog in Place 00:55 Jumping Jacks 01:25 Bird Dogs 01:55 Push Up to Front Reach 02:25 Squats 02:55 Cossack Squat REST 30 Round 1 03:55 Squat Twist 04:40 Reverse Lunge with Front Raise 05:25 Side Plank Reach To Press R 06:10 Side Plank Reach To Press L 06:55 Front Loaded Sumo Squat 07:40 Single Leg Deadlift R 08:25 Single Leg Deadlift L 09:10 Lateral Side Step & Hop REST 15 Core Challenge 1 09:55 Plank Knee Tucks REST 30 Round 2 11:25 Renegade Row 12:10 Spiderman Push Up 12:55 Curl to Press 13:40 Russian Twist & Press 14:25 Pike Push Up + Shoulder Taps 15:10 Side Lunge to Overhead Press 15:55 Alternating Snatch 16:40 Plank Marches REST 15 Core Challenge 2 17:25 Flutter Kicks REST 30 Round 3 18:55 Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive R 19:40 Lateral Lunge to Knee Drive L 20:25 Woodchopper R 21:10 Woodchopper L 21:55 Goblet Squat with Side Leg Lift (alternating legs) 22:40 Plank Jacks 23:25 Deadlift to Upright Row 24:10 Diagonal Front Lunge with Reach REST 15 Core Challenge 3 24:55 Leg Circles on Elbows REST 30 Round 4 26:25 Clean to Press 27:10 Bear Crawl Forward & Back 27:55 Squat to Reverse Lunge 28:40 Plank T-Rotations 29:25 Burpee with Dumbbell Deadlift 30:10 Standing Oblique & Cross Crunch R 30:55 Standing Oblique & Cross Crunch L 31:40 High Knees to Burpee (10 high knees) REST 15 Core Challenge 4 32:25 Tabletop Tuck REST 30 33:55 AMRAP Finisher // 90 sec, no rest x5 Thruster R x5 Thruster L x5 Skier Swings REST 20 35:45 Cool Down & Stretch // 20x9 Thanks for your support and remember to subscribe! * * * DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it's safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video's exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing Dan the HIIT Man and Velvet Moss LLC from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!