8 Words You Need to Sound Smart at Work in English

8 Words You Need to Sound Smart at Work in English

Download the Free worksheet at https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... ===== CHECK OUT MY SOCIALS: =====   / amandalynnmed      / @speakingenglishtoday     / speakingenglishtoday     / speaking_today   https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com ===== SUMMARY ===== Full summary of this episode on: https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... ===== AWESOME STUFF ===== My free IELTS book! IELTS Handbook - How to Get a High Score available now: https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... ===== TAKE LESSONS WITH ME ===== Amanda Lynn MEd is one of the most qualified and experienced English teachers in the world. Take private lessons with her: https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... Get 50% Off your first lesson: https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... ===== PROGRAMS ===== *Fluency https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... *Business English https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... *Professional Interviews https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... *IELTS Speaking and Writing https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/... ===== ABOUT AMANDA ===== Amanda Lynn is one of the leading online English Language teachers in the world. Her books include How to Speak Fluently in English, The English Library, The English Learning Planner, and The Best Lessons for Natural English Conversations. She continues to inspire confidence in her students and helps them communicate better at work, in social settings, in job interviews, with clients and partners, and in presentations. Amanda grew up in Florida, and from high school she always knew she wanted to become a teacher. Passionate about education, she started as a teacher’s assistant while still attending high school. After college, she set out to teach English in other countries. While traveling and teaching in Indonesia, she also spent time teaching English to professionals online from all over the world. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in English Language Learner Studies and conducted research on English language development in adult learners. Soon after, she graduated with a Master’s Degree in Adult Education and started designing curriculum. That’s when she wrote her first book How to Get a High Score in IELTS. She started what became a successful YouTube channel with over 280,000 video views and 23,000 subscribers. “How would your life be different if you could speak English easily and effortlessly. What would it feel like?” Meet her at SpeakingEnglishToday.com Learn to talk about your health in English. In this lesson, learn how to talk about the benefits of exercise. Improve your listening, vocabulary, and speaking skills. https://www.speakingenglishtoday.com/...