신현근 박사: 정신분석에서의 역전이의 본질 3.

신현근 박사: 정신분석에서의 역전이의 본질 3.

The nature of countertransferences in psychoanalysis 3 정신분석에서의 역전이의 본질 3 In an overview of countertransference and technique, Abend (1989) acknowledged that the notion originating with Klein that the analyst's countertransference can be a crucial source of understanding the patient's inner world has now become universally accepted As part of this acceptance, the self-analytic activities of the analyst have come to be regarded as a systematic effort at collecting data about one's analysand The analyst must be particularly attuned to subtle or not-so-subtle forms of "acting in," whereby the patient's internal object relationships are enacted in the clinical setting between patient and analyst (Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M , 2000, p 11) ▶영어 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M (2000) Management of countertransference with borderline patients New York: A Jason Aronson Book ▶한글 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M 지음 한재현과 양미래 옮김 (2020) 역전이와 경계선 환자의 치료 서울: 학지사 ▶ 클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: