Jazz Piano Improvisation For Beginners Exercise 1-1 #JazzImprovisation #jazzpiano

Jazz Piano Improvisation For Beginners Exercise 1-1 #JazzImprovisation #jazzpiano

Thinking Ahead No.1 - Jazz Improvisation Fridays - Blues for Alice - Chromatic Approach - 7th Arpeggios. In this series we’re going to give you exercises to practice jazz improvisation using the concepts we usually teach in our courses. These exercises stand alone, but we’ll also add them to the playlist for the relevant course. Get complete course here: https://mdecks.com/thinkingahead.phtml Bebop Rhythms Book Vol.1 is here: https://mdecks.com/beboprhythms.phtml ➡️ Purchase This Lesson's PDF (non-members) use the link below: https://mdecks.com/ytlesson.phtml?yt=... ➡️ How to get the PDFs (members):    • How To Use The mDecks Music Exclusive...   ➡️ Join here:    / @mdecksmusic   ➡️ Membership tab:    / @mdecksmusic   • Make sure to be logged in into youtube with the youtube user that's a current member of our channel. ➡️ Subscribe to our mailing list (promo codes, new releases & sales): https://bit.ly/324URgx ➡️ Books/Courses & Apps website: https://mdecks.com ➡️ Apps Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro: https://mdecks.com/mapharmony.phtml Politonus Ear Training: https://mdecks.com/politonus.phtml Tessitura (scales & modes): https://mdecks.com/tessituramac.phtml ➡️ Books/courses The Jazz Standards Progressions Book: https://mdecks.com/jazzstandards.phtml The Ultimate Jazz Harmony Workbook: https://mdecks.com/jazzharmony.phtml The Art Of Reharmonization: https://mdecks.com/theartofreharmoniz... The Universal Encyclopedia Of Scales: https://mdecks.com/theuniversalencycl... Piano Sheet Music: https://mdecks.com/pianoscores.phtml Bebop Rhythmic Words Vol.1: https://mdecks.com/beboprhythms.phtml Bebop Lines Vol.1: https://mdecks.com/beboplines.phtml Rootless Voicings Vol.1 & 2: https://mdecks.com/voicings-vol1.phtml Advanced Piano Voicings Vol.1 & 2: https://mdecks.com/advancedpiano.phtml Upper Structure Voicings Vol.1: https://mdecks.com/piano.phtml Pentatonic Voicings Vol.1: https://mdecks.com/pentatonics.phtml Advanced Piano Tricks Vol.1: https://mdecks.com/pianotricks.phtml From Classical To Jazz Vol.1: https://mdecks.com/fromclassicaltojaz... Jazz Scales & Modes Vol.1 & 2: https://mdecks.com/jazzscales.phtml Target Notes: https://mdecks.com/targetnotes.phtml Upper Structures: https://mdecks.com/upperstructuresjaz... --------------- ⏱ Video Chapters: 0:00 Thinking Ahead No.1 3:15 Slow version 4:50 Fast Version 6:03 What's next --------------- #jazzpianolessons #jazzpiano #chordprogressions #jazzimprovisation #jazztheorylessons #MusicTheory #mDecksMusic