Koh The Spirit! | Netflix Avatar The Last Airbender 1x5 REACTION | "Spirited Away"

Koh The Spirit! | Netflix Avatar The Last Airbender 1x5 REACTION | "Spirited Away"

Avatar The Last Airbender Live Action 1x5 - Spirited Away Team Avatar is trapped inside the spirit world! Aang meets Koh the face stealer, Sokka and Katara gets captured and trapped by Koh! Aang now has to go into the Fire Nation in order to talk to Roku to seek guidance on how to save his friends! Intro: 00:00 Recap: 00:35 Reaction: 09:20 Discussion: 47:27 Outro: 53:59 Please support the original content! Full Versions on Patreon:   / bakuentertainment   SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/BakuEntertain... Follow me:   / bakuentertainment     / bakucraze   If you like the reaction then make sure to give the video a thumbs up and leave a comment! And if you're new here, subscribe if you would like to see more reactions!