28th Sunday of Ordinary Time/Sunday Gospel Reflection/Sunday Homily Tamil/Sunday Sermon Tamil/Tamil

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time/Sunday Gospel Reflection/Sunday Homily Tamil/Sunday Sermon Tamil/Tamil

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time/Sunday Gospel Reflection/Sunday Homily Tamil/Sunday Sermon Tamil/Tamil dear friends, in this video i speak about the young rich man who comes to meet Jesus to ask him to have iternal life. Jesus tells him to follw the commandments and the young man replies that he follows all the commandments from his childhood. Jesus looks at him closely and says still there is something is lacking and continues saying go and sell your riches and give to poor. but the young man retuned home sadly. so Jesus says it is easy to a camel to enter into the eye of a needle rather than a rich to enter into the heaven. In today’s Gospel reading (Mark 10:17-30), we hear the story of the rich young man who approaches Jesus with a question about eternal life. Despite his adherence to the commandments, he struggles when Jesus asks him to sell all his possessions and follow Him. Jesus challenges us all to examine what we truly value in life and whether we are willing to surrender everything to follow Him. Join us as we reflect on the deeper meaning of this passage, the call to discipleship, and the surprising message of hope: "With God, all things are possible." How can we live out Jesus' invitation to follow Him in a world that often prioritizes wealth and material success? Scripture Readings: First Reading: Wisdom 7:7-11 Psalm: Psalm 90:12-17 Second Reading: Hebrews 4:12-13 Reflection: This homily will offer insights into how we can navigate the challenges of wealth, success, and materialism while staying true to the call of the Gospel. Don’t miss out on this inspiring reflection and message of hope! #Mark10 #28thSunday #OrdinaryTime #CatholicHomily #RichYoungMan #EternalLife #Faith #Discipleship #28sunday #sundayhomilytamil #sundaygospelreflection #catholicmass #sundaygospel #sundayhomily #sundayreflection