Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon | Stream #1 | Part Man, Part Machine, All Cyber-Commando!
If you'd like to leave me a tip directly: http://streamlabs.com/gamerthumbtv/tip ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this live stream I'm streaming Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. It's a neon lit future filled with cyber soldiers, the year 2007. And only Cyber commando, Rex "Power"" Colt, can stop the evil Colonel Sloan and his Omega Force from taking over the world! Please leave a like, comment, and consider joining my Patreon. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Become a Channel Member: http://youtube.com/gamerthumbtv/join Patreon: / gamerthumbtv Streamlabs Donation Link: https://streamlabs.com/gamerthumbtv/tip Linktree (All Channel Links): https://linktr.ee/GamerThumbTV #livestream #farcry3 #blooddragon