Christmas Eve - Sunday School Program, 12/24/2021.

Christmas Eve - Sunday School Program, 12/24/2021.

St. John's Lutheran Church - LCMS - Pierce, NE Rev. Jacob Tuma Sunday School Christmas Program Scripture Readings: Matthew: 1-18-25 Luke 2:8-14 Luke 2:15-20 Isaiah 9:6-7 Christmas Meditation: Rev. Tuma Hymns: "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" -- LSB #380 "What Child Is This" -- LSB #370 "Christmas Hallelujah" -- Solo performed by Carly Rohrich "Of the Father's Love Begotten" -- LSB #384 "To Us a Child is Born" -- Sunday School "Angels We Have Heard on High" -- LSB #368 "Infant Holy, Infant Lowly" -- LSB #393 "Angels from the Realms of Glory" -- LSB #367 "Joy to the World" -- LSB #387 Lutheran Service Book (LSB) Liturgy & Hymn License: #000013323