Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Step By Step Guide With Correct Technique & Common Mistakes

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) Step By Step Guide With Correct Technique & Common Mistakes

#sunsalutation #sivanandayogagurgaon #suryanamaskar In this step by step video we take you through the demonstration of Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation(on one side). You will learn the correct technique of Surya Namaskar along with the common mistakes to watch out for. This will help you in getting maximum health benefits when performing this ancient yoga technique of improving your health, well-being and fitness. The Sun is supposed to be the deity for health and long life. Surya Namaskar practice, is a unique method of effecting perfect synthesis of culture of body, mind and spirit. It is a combined process of yoga Asanas and Pranayama. It is a very effective cardiovascular and aerobic workout. During Surya Namaskar, the heart pumps harder, increasing its strength, stamina and vitality. The lungs also work harder, and become stronger and more efficient.The blood circulation helps with improved body function, including the nerves, muscles, digestion and the endocrine system Raising the heat in the body (Ushnam), and sweating to get rid of toxins (Kriya), is an age old method of raising the body’s immunity and fortifying it against unwanted attacks.Tamas (inertia and heaviness) is removed and the body and mind experience Sattva (a state of purity, balance and steadiness). Complete Surya Namaskar Practice Series    • Surya Namaskar Series - 6 Classes   To stay updated about our online courses and other updates, subscribe to our newsletter by clicking here: Join this channel to get access to perks:    / @sivanandayogacentregurgaon   If you wish to donate for supporting this free streaming: