SEATED CORE WORKOUT 2 WEEKS (Sitting for Belly Fat Weight Loss) No Jumping Core Workout Floor Based
SEATED CORE WORKOUT 2 WEEKS (Sitting for Belly Fat Weight Loss) No Jumping Core Workout Floor Based! ADVANCED: DO 3-4 Sets, BEGINNERS DO 1-3 Sets! SUBSCRIBE https://bit.ly/SuperHealthyFitSUBSCRIBE Burn belly fat by sitting in this Sitting for Belly Fat Weight Loss Seated Core Workout in 2 Weeks! Reducing your waist at home is possible. Belly fat isn't easy to get rid of but it sure is easy to acquire. This 17-minutes video is showing you how to lose belly fat while seated. This workout is very doable but still challenging enough to burn belly fat and tone your abdominal muscles. It is so beneficial to be doing some form of physical exercise every single day at home! You just need your mat, a good mood and your upper body. Let‘s crush it together! Let's go! 💪 #SeatedCoreWorkout #LoseBellyFat #CardioWorkout Follow us on: Facebook: / superhealthyfit Twitter: / superhealthyfit Pinterest: / superhealthyfit Instagram: / super_healthy_fit No equipment required for this SEATED CORE WORKOUT 2 WEEKS! ❤️💪 That's right! In today's animated workout video you're going to be doing these exercises and they're really helpful too in strengthening your body, toning muscles, and burning fat for weight loss. These fitness routines will help you reach your goals and spice up your usual core game. 0:00 - SEATED CORE WORKOUT 2 WEEKS 0:15 - Sitting Cross Crunch 0:59 - Sitting Leg Extension (Right) 1:42 - Sitting Toe Touches 2:26 - Sitting Leg Raise (Right) 3:09 - Sitting Leg Extension Hold 3:54 - Sitting Cross Crunch 4:38 - Sitting Leg Extension (Left) 5:22 - Sitting Toe Touches 6:05 - Sitting Leg Raise (Left) 6:50 - Sitting Leg Extension Hold 7:32 - Easy Russian Twist 8:17 - Sitting Windshield Wiper 9:01 - Sitting Tilt Back 9:45 - Sitting Rainbow 10:30 - Arms Flying 11:15 - Kneeling Squats 12:00 - Sitting Abs Hold 12:43 - Easy Russian Twist 13:27 - Sitting Windshield Wiper 14:11 - Sitting Tilt Back 14:56 - Sitting Rainbow 15:40 - Arms Flying 16:25 - Kneeling Squats 17:09 - Sitting Abs Hold Make sure to follow along with our animated fitness videos and exercise on a regular basis to see quicker and faster results! **If you want to be notified when we upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. We upload new animated workout videos every week! Thanks for watching our youtube video: SEATED CORE WORKOUT 2 WEEKS (Sitting for Belly Fat Weight Loss) No Jumping Core Workout Floor Based Other Videos We Recommend: fabulous50s - Lose Belly Fat Sitting Down | AB WORKOUT For Women Over 50! - tS01JLqO2B8 Hana Milly - Lose hanging lower belly fat sitting - Beginner friendly chair workout | Hana Milly - 0x_MsUr3tag Funfitt with Susana Yábar - Slim your Waist Sitting from the Comfort of your Home - o6ZzUqaSjRs Mary Braun - 10 MIN. INTENSE AB WORKOUT // SEATED - NO LEG MOVEMENTS | no Equipment | Mary Braun - SaDxJN0McuI Weight Loss With Natasha Mohan - Lose Hanging Lower Belly Fat While Sitting in 14 Days Challenge | 1 Min Easy Exercise For Beginners - X8DlCQ-oAQE ➡️ Please be safe and use common sense when exercising. Seek professional advice before engaging in any new fitness activity and routines. Note: All workout information provided by Super Healthy Fit is of a general nature and is furnished only for educational/entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any individual specific health or medical condition. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk and hold Super Healthy Fit harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims. Music: "Alternate" by Vibe Tracks from YouTube Audio Library