Mexican Moms Rank EVERY Mexican Snack! (Compilation)
We put together a two hour long compilation of the mamás ranking Mexican foods and snacks as well as playing Mexican trivia! The moms ranked things such as Takis, tamales, fast food Mexican and frozen burritos! Mexican Moms Rank Takis Again Mexican Moms Rank Tamales Mexican Moms Rank Mexican Snacks (Again) Can You Make McDonald's Mexican? Is This Fast Food In Mexico? Can Mexican Moms Pass This Mexican Test Can Mexican Moms Pass This Mexican Test Pt. 2 Can You Make Taco Bell ACTUALLY Mexican Is This Food In Mexico? Mexican Moms Rank Mexican Candy Pt.2 Mexican Moms Rank El Pollo Loco This Soup Had What in it? Does Hot Sauce Go With Everything? Is This Fast Food in Mexico? Pt. 2 Mexican Moms Rank Frozen Burritos Can Mexican Moms Taste the Difference? Real vs Fast Food Mexican Pt. 2 Subscribe here! https://www.youtube.com/c/MaMahChanne... 💖😁 Follow Us on Socials 😁💖 ❤️TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@mamah_videos?... 🤎IG - / mamah_videos 💙Twitter - / mamah_videos Produced by Brenda Cabral, Brandon Edited by Alec