관통사영어면접_유네스코와 유산_09. 조선 왕릉

관통사영어면접_유네스코와 유산_09. 조선 왕릉

#관통사영어면접, #관광통역안내사영어면접, #국내여행안내사면접, #관통사영어면접시나리오, #유네스코와유산영어로, #유네스코세계문화유산영어로, #조선왕릉영어로, #선정릉, #unesco, #RoyalTombsOfTheJoseonDynasty, #AboutKorea 관통사영어면접팁관 내용 번역 및 국내여행안내사면접 준비가 궁금하다면 빨강은 키워드, 회색은 보너스 09 Can you tell us about the Royal Tombs of the 조선 Dynasty, 조선왕릉? I am very proud to tell you about the Royal Tombs of the 조선 Dynasty, 조선왕릉 A total of 55 assets have been listed on UNESCO 15 World Heritages, 18 Memory of the Worlds, and 22 Intangible Cultural heritages ‘Royal Tombs of the 조선 Dynasty’ is one of the World Cultural Heritages They consist of 40 tombs, including 27 kings, queens, and other royalty (excluding 2 tombs in North Korea) These tombs were constructed to honor and respect the 조선 royal family and their accomplishments, and they have been well-preserved for about 600 years The tombs are influenced by Confucian ideology and 풍수 principles, with mountains at the back and Facing water in the front This arrangement creates excellent natural scenery surrounding the tombs In particular, the 선정릉 tomb is located in the middle of Seoul city with a forest So that makes a good place for taking a walk and getting fresh air 선릉 (King 성종 and Queen 정현왕후), 정릉 (King 중종) I'm very proud of our precious assets So we have to preserve this to be passed on to the next generation After the pandemic, a lot of people from around the world now come to visit our country So I am going to be a tour guide who lets the visitors know how wonderful assets we have Thank you