What Happens to Your Body When You Start Taking Omega-3 Every Day for 30 Days? | Benefits and Risks

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Taking Omega-3 Every Day for 30 Days? | Benefits and Risks

What Happens to Your Body When You Start Taking Omega-3 Every Day for 30 Days? | Benefits and Risks Omega-3 fatty acids are among some of the most important essential nutrients known today. Although a balanced diet is ideal, many may be deficient in this vitamin. Give it a try and share your experience with us and inspire others! 👉https://amzn.to/3X4meDI 💕💕 SUBSCRIBE:    / @naturalhealthinfocus-ib6et   ✅ SHARE the video on WHATSAPP and let's help more people! Consuming omega-3 is very important for your body. In this video, we discuss the real importance of increasing your intake of omega-3 for your health, since our bodies can't produce it and we need dietary sources such as fish, eggs, chia seeds and flaxseeds, among others. The modern diet has an imbalance in the intake of omega-3/omega-6, increasing inflammation and other illnesses such as depression and anxiety. We need to return to the previous balance (1:1) omega-6/omega-3 ratio. In the video we also list the 7 main health benefits of omega-3: improved eye, brain and mood health, reduced triglycerides, anti-inflammatory effects, blood pressure control, skin improvements and reduced heart disease. We also discuss the risks of omega-3 supplementation, drug interactions and tips for choosing a quality supplement. As always, we emphasize the importance of a balanced diet for both body and mind. It's worth watching the video and sharing it with your family and friends! By buying through my links, you help me to continue creating quality content for you, which I am passionate about and which makes my dreams come true. Thank you very much! Discover the latest news and much more on my homepage! 👉https://amzn.to/3Yi3liH 🌿 Assemble your VITAL MONITORING KIT with our SAFE instructions 🌿 Ensuring your health and well-being has never been so easy and affordable! Our VITAL MONITORING KIT includes everything you need to closely monitor your health accurately and reliably. 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How to buy the right one? 13:23- How many omega-3 capsules to take a day? 13:58- What types of omega-3 supplements are there? 14:24- What is the best time to take omega-3 supplements? 5 Forbidden Foods for Fatty Liver and 10 Best Fruits For Hepatic Steatosis    • 5 Forbidden Foods for Fatty Liver and...   10 Proven Health Benefits When You Eat Chia Seeds Everyday    • 10 Proven Health Benefits When You Ea...   7 Benefits of Flaxseeds For Your Health    • 7 Proven Health Benefits When You Eat...   💗This is a purely educational video, aiming to instruct the population on various subjects involving medicine and health in general. 💗 The information contained in the videos is not intended to replace medical consultation or serve as a recommendation for any treatment plan. If in doubt, consult your doctor. 💗 Medicine is an ever-changing science. ⚠ The information made available on this channel is informative. They should not be used as a basis for self-diagnosis, self-prescription or self-treatment. Always consult your doctor and/or nutritionist. #omega3 #omega