The BEST WEAPONS + ENCHANTS to have in RLCraft 2.9.3
Hey everyone, today I will be going over the best weapons to get in RL Craft and the enchantments you need with them! 0:00 intro 0:42 important notes 1:09 best weapons 2:43 Melee enchantments 5:14 How to enchant 5:44 Reforging weapons 7:00 Best bow enchantments 7:17 Sentient Weapon info 8:03 Damage showcase GUIDES: • RL Craft Guides 2.9.3 Become a member today! / @mintgamingyt Add me on pixel gun! Early access to new videos Member shout-outs Can be in videos Exclusive discord role —————— 💎Buy gems, keys, coins and PP tickets in Pixel Gun for up to 20% cheaper using my link! https://link.xsolla.com/d3SvOCEI 😁Use my Partner Link!: https://pg3d.app/Mint ➡️GET MY RECORDING SET UP HERE: https://linktr.ee/mintgaming 😉 if u see this subscribe 💬- MY DISCORD SERVER: / discord 🛡- My Pixel Gun Clan ID: 30403415 🟠- instagram: https://instagram.com/mint_gaming_yt?... —————— Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed, leave a like and consider subscribing! —————— john 3;16 “for God so loved the world that he gave up his only Son, so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” —————— Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed, leave a like and consider subscribing! #minecraft #rlcraft