10AM Holy Eucharist Rite Two | 30 January 2022
Join us live to celebrate Holy Eucharist Rite Two, our contemporary service including music and congregational hymns. The Rev. Rob Stevens preaches. Give at http://www.stjohnsnh.org All music recorded by St. John's musicians All music under OneLicense A-726442 Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:32 Prelude, "Liebster Jesu, wir sind heir," J.S. Bach, plus Community Announcements 4:11 Order of service 4:26 Entrance Hymn, "I sing the almighty power of God" 6:49 Welcome and start of service 7:35 Song of Praise, "All creatures of our God and King" 8:38 The Collect of the Day 9:41 First reading, Jeremiah 1, 4-10 11:11 Psalm 71, 1-6 12:09 Sequence Hymn, "Blessed Jesus, at thy word" 14:08 The Gospel, Luke 4, 21-30 16:37 Sermon 27:36 The Nicene Creed 29:26 The Prayers of the People 31:40 Confession and Absolution 32:40 The Peace 33:13 Announcements 36:35 Offertory Anthem, "Sing, My Soul, His Wondrous Love," Ned Rorem 39:21 Eucharistic Prayer II 43:05 The Lord's Prayer 45:41 Communion Music, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" 49:19 Post Communion Prayer 49:51 The Blessing 50:11 Recessional Hymn, "O love, how deep, how broad, how high" 52:09 The Dismissal and Postlude, "Allegro maestoso," Felix Mendelssohn; plus Community Announcements