Burn 600 Calories & Build Muscle (Jump Rope & Dumbbell Workout)
Burn 600 Calories & Build Muscle (Jump Rope & Dumbbell Workout) Learn my training method to how I am able to burn body fat while building muscle at the same time. By completing intervals of strength training exercises with the jump rope, you are able keep your heart rate in the fat burning zone throughout the duration of the entire workout. This is the secret to burning more body fat while building strong lean muscle. Try this 500 calorie burning and muscle building workout: 4 ROUNDS: 100 Jump Rope Rotations 12 Overhead Dumbbell Lunges (Right) 100 Jump Rope Rotations 12 Overhead Dumbbell Lunges (Left) 100 Jump Rope Rotations 12 Alternating Dumbbell Clean & Press Rest 1 Minute For more daily workouts be sure to join one of the Muscle Building and Fat Loss Challenges: Free 5 Day Fat Loss Challenge: http://5dayfatlosschallenge.com Free 5 Day Bigger Biceps Challenge: http://5daybigbiceps.com Gain 21 Pounds of Muscle: http://McFitMuscle.com Lose 21 Pounds of Body Fat: http://McFitFatLoss.com