Day 15: 30 Min FULL BODY DUMBBELL CIRCUITS // Build + Burn // 6WS2

Day 15: 30 Min FULL BODY DUMBBELL CIRCUITS // Build + Burn // 6WS2

🔥 Build strength, muscle, and power from home! The 8 Week Stronger Challenge is your no-excuses program to get results with just dumbbells and bodyweight. Ready to level up? BUILD muscle and BURN calories with this 30 minute full body dumbbell workout. For those that are regulars, welcome back! You know how this workout goes... If you're new here, welcome to the channel! Be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications. This workout is a staple during the 6 Week Shred II and it's a full body drop set dumbbell workout. ⚡️ My go-to protein powder, aminos & creatine: for 20% off ⚡️ Sign up for our FREE newsletter ⚡️ Shop our LTK ⚡️ Our Amazon Must-Haves ► 5 Min Warm Up    • 5 MIN WARM UP | FULL BODY WARMUP FOR ...   BECOME A PREMIUM MEMBER - Get early access to our latest workouts, ad-free and timer-only videos, and help support our channel. 🎥 YouTube Subscribe: ⭐️ Premium YouTubeMembership: 📸 Instagram: 📱 TikTok: 🎶 My Music: Workout Programs: 💾 6 Week Shred I Playlist: 💾 6 Week Shred II Playlist: 💾 6 Week Shred III Playlist: Workout Details: ⏱️ Duration: 30 Minutes + Cool Down & Stretch 🏋️ Equipment: A set of dumbbells (I'm using 30 lbs / 14 kg), a bench or chair and your mat. ⏱️ Intervals: • Each round is a tri-set with exercises that are the same or similar movements. • For most of the workout, the 1st exercise in each round will use x2 dumbbells. • Drop to x1 dumbbell for the 2nd exercise in the round. • Drop to bodyweight only for the 3rd exercise in the round. • Each exercise is 30 sec, so you'll complete all 3 exercises each round without rest, for a total of 90 seconds, before taking a 30 sec rest. Exercises for this 30 minute full body workout with dumbbells: LOWER BODY 0:20 Alternating Reverse Lunge x2 DBs 0:50 Single Leg R Lunge x1 DB 1:20 Single Leg L Lunge x1 DB 2:20 Alternating Curtsy Lunge x2 DBs 2:50 Single Leg R Curtsy Lunge x1 DB 3:20 Single Leg L Curtsy Lunge x1 DBs 4:20 Glute Bridge x1 DB 4:50 Glute Bridge Pulse x1 DB 5:20 Glute Bridge Hold 6:20 Hip Thrust x1 DB 6:50 Hip Thrust Pulse x1 DB 7:20 Hip Thrust Hold 8:20 1-1/2 Squat x2 DBs 8:50 1-1/2 Squat x1 DB 9:20 1-1/2 Squat Bodyweight ABS & CORE 10:20 Prayer Crunch 10:50 1-2-3 Crunch Hold 11:20 Alternating Cross Crunches 12:20 Extend to Tuck 12:50 Isolated (Eagle arm) Crunch 13:20 Tabletop Pulses 14:20 Leg Lifts 14:50 Butterfly Crunch Kicks 15:20 Flutter Kicks 16:20 Plank Hip Dips 16:50 Plank March 17:20 Spider Crunches 18:20 L Sit Toe Touches 18:50 Alternating Single Leg V-Ups 19:20 Crunch Pulses UPPER BODY 20:20 Front Shoulder Press x1 DB 20:50 45° Shoulder Press x1 DB 21:20 Overhead Shoulder Press x1 DB 22:20 Alternating Bent Over Row x2 DBs 22:50 Alternating Bent Over Wide Row x2 DBs 23:20 Alternating Bent Over Supine Row x2 DBs 24:20 Chest Press x2 DBs 24:50 Chest Flyes x2 DBs 25:20 Diamond Press x2 DBs 26:20 Alternating Twist Curls x2 DBs 26:50 Alternating Cross Curls x2 DBs 27:20 Waiter Curls x1 DB 28:20 Tricep Dumbbell Push Ups 28:50 Kneeling Overhead Tricep Extension 29:20 Landmine Dumbbell Press Finisher - 30/30/30 No Rest 30:20 Squat + Front Raise x1 DB 30:50 Renegade Rows x2 DBs 31:20 Jack presses x1 DB Cool Down + Stretch * * * * Thanks for supporting our YouTube channel. We couldn’t do any of this without you! TIFF x DAN * * * * DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it's safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video's exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!