Day 16: 30 Min TOTAL BODY HIIT with Dumbbells // 6WS2

Day 16: 30 Min TOTAL BODY HIIT with Dumbbells // 6WS2

🔥 Build strength, muscle, and power from home! The 8 Week Stronger Challenge is your no-excuses program to get results with just dumbbells and bodyweight. Ready to level up? Try this total body HIIT workout with dumbbells and bodyweight for a fat torching session that is sure to give you noticeable results over time! This workout is intense but can be scaled back for beginners if needed - just go at your own pace. ⚡️ My go-to protein powder, aminos & creatine: for 20% off ⚡️ Sign up for our FREE newsletter ⚡️ Shop our LTK ⚡️ Our Amazon Must-Haves HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is one of the best workouts for getting in shape fast. You can do it with or without weight training, but if you have access to dumbbells, I recommend adding them in too. Incorporating light to medium weight dumbbells in your HIIT workouts will help you build muscle, burn fat and torch calories. Be sure to use manageable dumbbells for this workout. We're keeping the intensity up in this workout and heavy dumbbells will prevent you from completing some of the moves with good form. 15-25 lbs max should do the trick 💪🏽 I'm using 20 lb / 9 kg dumbbells as a reference. ► 5 Min Warm Up    • 5 MIN WARM UP | FULL BODY WARMUP FOR ...   BECOME A PREMIUM MEMBER - Get early access to our latest workouts, ad-free and timer-only videos, and help support our channel. 🎥 YouTube Subscribe: ⭐️ Premium YouTubeMembership: 📸 Instagram: 📱 TikTok: 🎶 My Music: Workout Programs: 💾 6 Week Shred I Playlist: 💾 6 Week Shred II Playlist: 💾 6 Week Shred III Playlist: Workout Details: ⏱️ Duration: 30 Minutes + Cool Down & Stretch 🏋️ Equipment: A pair of dumbbells (I'm using 20 lbs / 9 kg) and a mat ⏱️ Intervals: 40 Seconds work, 20 seconds rest Exercises for this 30 minute total body HIIT workout with weights: 0:20 High Knee Shuffle 1:20 Weighted Jacks 2:20 Alt Curtsy Lunges 3:20 Thruster Rotations 4:20 Alt Rear Lunge + Curl 5:20 Dumbbell Swing 6:20 Plank Rows 7:20 Mountain Climbers 8:20 Cuban Press 9:20 1/2 Burpee Deadlift 10:20 Snatch R 11:20 Snatch L 12:20 In + Out Squats 13:20 Rear Step Low Lunge R 14:20 Rear Step Low Lunge L 15:20 Half Kneeling Wood Chopper R 16:20 Half Kneeling Wood Chopper L 17:20 Sit Up to Overhead Press 18:20 Extend to Tuck 19:20 Push Up Plank T Rotations 20:20 W-Press 21:20 Single Arm Dumbbell Swing R 22:20 Single Arm Dumbbell Swing L 23:20 Lateral Lunge R 24:20 Lateral Lunge L 25:20 Single Arm Curl to Arnold R 26:20 Single Arm Curl to Arnold L 27:20 Front to Back Lunge 1.5 R 28:20 Front to Back Lunge1.5 L 29:20 Pop Squats Finisher 30s ea, no rest 30:20 Bicycles 30:50 Dumbbell Pushups 31:20 Devil Press * * * * Thanks for supporting our YouTube channel. We couldn’t do any of this without you! TIFF x DAN * * * * DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it's safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video's exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!