코로나 확산에 대해 영어로 말하기 (20년 3월 방송, 영어토론)

코로나 확산에 대해 영어로 말하기 (20년 3월 방송, 영어토론)

PDF 문서: Keywords / Key Sentences 1 마스크를 사재기하는 사람들이 있다 정부는 이들을 강력히 단속해야 한다 There are those who are stockpiling surgical masks The government should crack down on those people / People are buying up large amounts of face masks with the intention to price gouge These people need to be reported to the government / Face masks are being hoarded by those with ill intent There should be serious consequences for those who do this 2 코로나바이러스가 전세계적인 대유행으로 번지지 않을까 하는 두려움이 커지고 있다 Fears are rising around the world that this type of flu may escalate into a pandemic / The global hysteria is causing panic that the virus will spread like the plague / There is concern that the corona virus will turn into a global epidemic 3 되도록 모이지 않거나 서로 접촉하지 않는 분위기가 되면서, 식당을 운영하는 사람들이나 자영업자들이 큰 타격을 입고 있다 People are advised against getting together and making physical contact with other people Many restaurants and store owners are being hit hard financially / Social functions and events where people gather are being put on hold The service industry is suffering because of this / Restaurants, bars, cafes and other areas where people congregate have suffered heavy losses The new normal of not going out and avoiding physical contact is hurting the economy 4 입국금지를 당하거나 해외에서 격리되는 한국인의 수가 늘고 있다 The number of countries that ban Koreans from entering is on the rise There are also increasing cases of Koreans quarantined in foreign countries / There has been a sharp increase of countries preventing Korean citizens from entering their borders Koreans are also being singled out to be quarantined / There are increased entry bans for Koreans Medical quarantines are also on the rise 5 이번 고비를 넘겨도 신종 바이러스가 얼마나 오래 영향을 미칠지 아직 알 수 없다 계속 경계를 늦추지 말아야 한다 Scientists warn that even if the worst is over, we have to be on alert to see how long the effects will last / Scientist claim that even the flu season is coming to an end, we need to remain vigilant when it comes to our health / We need to focus on keeping our immune system healthy, even though scientist claim this flu season is coming to an end #키워드스피킹 #프랙티쿠스