신종 코로나 바이러스에 대해 영어로 말하기 (20년 2월 방송, 영어토론)
장승진 대표의 영어 과외에 관심이 있으시면 다음 글을 확인하세요 PDF 문서: Summary A new form of coronavirus is sending the world into fear It started last December in Wuhan, China There is no concrete evidence about where it originated, but it is suspected that the high contagious virus started from human contact with bat and/or snake feces The number of patients is rapidly increasing in China and around the world In Korea, we don’t have any casualties yet, but the number of the infected is on the rise What was especially worrisome to Koreans is the fact that even a traveler who didn’t visit China was infected, possibly by coming into contact with someone who had the virus As the world is getting closer in the 21st century, more people will cross borders Once in a while, we see an outbreak of highly contagious viruses and germs, for example, SARS in 2004 and MERS in 2015 Globalized infections seem to be unavoidable in this highly connected world But experts point out there is no need to panic and we shouldn’t be swayed by fake news The outbreak of this coronavirus also can be put under control, and the first step toward preventing the infection begins with personal hygiene, which is to wash your hands thoroughly and wear a surgical mask in public places Keywords / Key Sentences 1 최악의 상황에 대비해야겠지만 근거 없는 공포를 지닐 필요도 없다 We should be cautious and prepare for the worst, but don’t have to be overwhelmed by groundless fears / Hope for the best but plan for the worst We should be prepared to prevent getting sick, but we should not live in fear / Constantly stressing will not do us any good We should be mindful of our health but not let it ruin our daily lives 2 중국 경제에 큰 타격을 줄 것으로 보여 중국 의존도가 높은 우리 경제에도 부정적인 영향을 미칠 것이 예상된다 The new coronavirus is likely to hit the Chinese economy hard It will also have a negative impact on the Korean economy which is heavily dependent on the Chinese market / The hysteria over the virus has negatively impacted both the Chinese and Korean economy Their markets are interconnected / The virus has affected everything from production to consumer spending in both Korea and China This will have a devastating effect on both economies 3 개인 위생을 철저히 해야 한다 마스크를 쓰고 손을 잘 씻는 것이 예방의 시작이다 The best protection begins with personal hygiene We should wash hands well and wear surgical masks when we go outside / Preventative measures are the best way to prevent getting sick Keeping your hands clean and wearing surgical masks may prevent you from getting the virus / Taking precautions such as personal hygiene and wearing a surgical mask may reduce your chances of contracting the virus 4 정부 입장에서는 중국과의 관계를 고려하여 대책을 세워야 한다 하지만 국민들은 정부가 무엇보다 국민의 안전과 생명을 우선시하길 바란다 The Korean government must take many issues into consideration before taking actions related to China But the Korean public believes that its government should put the health and safety of its citizens first / Public safety should be the top priority when dealing with this issue The government should be open to all options when it comes to relations with China / Dealing with China will be tricky There are a lot of factors at play However, the Korean government’s main responsibility is to protect its citizens #키워드스피킹 #프랙티쿠스