코로나 이후 세계에 대해 영어로 말하기 1편(20년 5월 방송, 영어토론)
블로그에서 보기 PDF 문서: 1 세계화가 더 이상 주목을 받지 못할 것이다 자국 내에서 기회를 만들려는 국가가 늘어날 것이고 생산시설을 다시 국내로 옮기려는 기업도 늘 것이다 자본과 인력이 국경을 넘나드는 일도 줄어들 것이다 Globalization won’t be the buzzword anymore Countries will look for more opportunities within their own border Companies may move facilities back to their country, and the flow of people and capital between countries won’t be as active as before Isolationism will emerge from this crisis Countries will stop looking outside and focus on their own citizens We will see repatriation of people and businesses and there will be a dark period of global trade Less trade and international business is to be expected from the aftermath of the corona virus Protectionism will emerge as the new norm for many countries 2 거의 모든 분야, 특히 경제나 보건 분야에서 정부의 역할이 커질 것이다 이런 변화는 비대해진 정부에 대한 우려, 나아가 전체주의의 부활에 대한 우려로 이어질 수 있다 Government will play a bigger role for almost everything, most of all for the economy and public health system This change may lead to a concern about oversized government and, in the worst case, the re-emergence of totalitarianism Governments will expand their power when it comes to healthcare and the economy Invasive measures by the governments will limit people’s freedoms and could possibly lead to a system where nations become socialized Government expansion is inevitable in all areas of society These changes will infringe on civil liberties and the people will have less freedom 3 중국의 위상이 약화될 것이다 성장률도 둔화되고 코로나 사태에 대처하는 과정에서 보여준 불투명한 태도 때문에 여러 나라의 신뢰를 잃게 된다 The position of China in the international community can be weakened China’s growth rate will be lowered, and the country may lose trust from other countries due to lack of transparency demonstrated in the corona situation China’s reputation will be even worse after the corona virus crisis Hiding the truth behind the bamboo curtain has hurt their image Other countries will choose to take their business elsewhere There is a greater stigma against China now more than ever The internationally community has seen their opaqueness Foreign interests will slowly pull back investments and even divest from China entirely 4 사람 간 교류하는 방식과 일하는 방식이 변하게 된다 재택근무가 더 늘고, 비면대면으로 일할 수 있게 해주는 기술이 더 발달할 것이다 The way people interact with each other and work with each other will be changed Telecommuting will become more common, and companies will work on developing more efficient non face to face communication tools to avoid physical contact Physical contact and personal space will change Working from home will be the new normal Businesses will focus on technology to communicate virtually from now on to avoid people being in proximity The way we communicate and socialize will be different Cybercommuting will become more popular Limiting physical contact will become a priority for most businesses #키워드스피킹 #프랙티쿠스