2018-11-04 Messiah Lutheran Church 9:30 am Contemporary Service

2018-11-04 Messiah Lutheran Church 9:30 am Contemporary Service

Messiah Lutheran Church, 9:30 am Contemporary Service. All Saints' Day Sunday. The 24th Sunday After Pentecost. This Service is led by The Pathways Praise Band. -------- Highlights from the Service ------- Prelude, "Little Fountain", offered by Kristen Mazur, harp (0:01). Opening Song, "One of These Days", by the Praise Team (1:42). Opening Prayer (5:20), and Welcome (9:42), by Carol Kohs. Prayer Song, "Better Is One Day" (5:56). Song, "I'll Fly Away" (10:20). An Explanation of the Ritual of All Saints' (16:00), and Announcements (17:15), by Pastor Karl Hanf. Readings of the Scripture from Revelations and John, by Jane Stephenson (21:12). The Sermon, "Lazarus, Come Out!", by Pastor Karl Hanf (24:37). The Prayer Song, "Jesus, Remember Me" (38:28), with Prayers of the People, by Pastor Karl Hanf (40:07), Remembrance of Messiah's Departed Servants, by Pastor Karl Hanf (42:00). Communion Hymn, "I Will Rise" by Rachel Racette (47:05). Special Music, "Be Thou My Vision" by the Women of Song, with Kristen Mazur, harp (52:48). Prayer For All of the Saints, by Pastor Karl Hanf (56:32). Song, "Glory Defined", (57:10). -------- Credits ------- The Pathways Praise Band is led by Michelle Johns. The Women of Song Choir is led by Kay Morrissey. Kristen Mazur on harp. Slide Projector by Bobby Sheridan. Sound by Matt Thurston. Video by Mike Kirkwood. -------- Contact Us ------- Messiah Lutheran Church, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Phone: (614) 866-4386 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.messiahlutheran.net YouTube Channel:    / @messiahlutheranchurchreyno7461