2017-12-10 Messiah Lutheran Church 9:30 AM Contemporary Service

2017-12-10 Messiah Lutheran Church 9:30 AM Contemporary Service

Messiah Lutheran Church 9:30 AM Contemporary Service. The Second Sunday of Advent. Music by Praise Band, Michelle Johns, director. The Children's Christmas Program, "A Night in Bethlehem", by the Children of Messiah, directed by Lori Hitsman, VIP Choir Director. Children's Processional to "O Come All Ye Faithful" (0:07). Children's speaking parts (11:04), (15:01), (18:07), (21:12), (24:16), (27:49), and (32:29). Songs (12:06), (16:50), (20:04), (23:26), (26:37), (30:27), and (33:13). Prayers of the People by Pastor Karl Hanf (41:37). Announcements (55:20). Children's Recessional to "Go Tell it on the Mountain" (59:40). Projector: Abbey Canan. Sound: Corbin Russ. Video: Mike Kirkwood.