Diamond Casino Heist Prep (Infiltration Suits Humane Labs - Silent and Sneaky)
Here is the Humane Labs Variation of the Infiltration Suits for the Diamond Casino Heist in the Silent and Sneaky approach. We show you all the things you need to do to get the suits, tell you how you can make it through undetected until you obtain the suits and how to lose the cops the quickest! Good Luck! Music Credit: Flow (Original Mix) - Stromberg Song Link: • Stromberg - Flow (Original Mix) FREE ... Stromberg YouTube: / @strombergofficial Here is the link to the video mentioned in this video; we show you where you can purchase set of thermal goggles and the helmet which is really effective for missions like this and for when you are fighting other players. We also show you how to equip the activate them and to turn them on and off. GTA Online Thermals Guide: (Coming Soon) #GTAV #GTA5 #diamondcasinoheist #silentandsneaky #diamond #casino #heist #prepmission #prep #weapons #easy #fast #easywaytomakemoney #rockstar #k4iz3ng4ming #kaizengaming #grandtheftauto #hacker #gunman #driver #best #top #vehicles #duggin #intel #securityintel #security #gauntlet #lossantos #van #powerdrills #safetydepositboxes #drills #hacker #driver #gunman #thebigcon #aggressiveapproach #approach #easyway #moneyguide #securitycards #cards #guards #vaultkeycards #vault #keycards #exitdisguises #NOOSE #nooseoutfits #cops #policestation #missionrow #gruppesechs #outfits #disguises #vaultdrills #vault #drills #garage *Disclaimer* We do not make any claims to the music in this video, we just added it because its an amazing song and for the viewers enjoyment during the video.