3 Freestyle Breathing Drills To Swim More Efficiently (Beginner)
Learning how to breathe efficiently while swimming freestyle can be one of the toughest challenges for new swimmers. Proper breathing technique is essential for improving your rhythm, speed, and overall efficiency in the water. In this video, we break down 3 essential freestyle breathing drills that will help you master the art of breathing while swimming: 0:14 - Understanding Rhythm and Technique 1:07 - Hand on Wall Drill 1:32 - Superman Drill 1:57 - Single Arm Freestyle Drill These drills are perfect for beginners looking to build confidence and control their breathing during freestyle. If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to like, comment, and share it with your fellow swimmers! 👍 Let me coach you! https://www.fiverr.com/s/5r5Bee3 Email me! [email protected]