#Baruch5 #Thanksgiving #ThePreachingOfJohnTheBaptist TOPIC: IN YOUR LOWEST MOMENTS, ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO GIVE YOU HOPE? First Reading: Baruch 5:1-9 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5. 6 Second Reading: Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11 Alleluia: Isaiah 55:6 Gospel: Luke 3:1-6 Advent invites us to prepare for the Lord’s coming. Despite the hills and valleys of our life that may make it difficult for the Lord to dwell in our hearts, there are the John the Baptists, the Pauls, the Baruchs that enter our life to help us, remind us and lead us back to the Lord’s fold. These are the people who see the goodness in us that we may not see in our self, who appreciate the good work that the Lord is doing in us, even if we continue to be an unfinished product. Let us remember these people today who played or continue to play a significant role in our own transformation. This is the 607th installment of our CFC quarantine contemplation series focusing on the daily liturgical readings. [NOTE: All the regular reflections are between 3-7 minutes long, enough time for us to ponder what God's message is for us individually and to pray that we may live them out in our lives. This video is also available on Couples for Christ’s and Bong Arjonillo’s Facebook pages. In You Tube, just type ONLY BY GRACE REFLECTIONS]