국립국악원 수요춤전: 국립국악원 무용단[2015.04.01.] 04. 장한가(Janghanga)
04 장한가 장한가는 국수호의 한량무 작품을 일컫는 것이다 원래는 ‘서울한량무’라는 이름으로 발표했다가 나중에 장한가라는 명칭을 붙였다 한량무는 대표적인 남성춤으로 부산·경남 지역의 오광대놀이나 야류에서 등장하는 양반역할을 독립시킨 대표적인 마당춤이다 Janghanga refers to Kuk’s rendition of Hallyangmu He originally entitled it “Seoul Hallyangmu,” then changed it to “Janghanga ” Hallyangmu is noted for its masculinity as it has extracted the character of yangban from Ogwangdae Nori and Yaryu of Busan/South Gyeongsang Province In keeping with a recent tendency to re-interpret Hallyangmu, several male dancers have presented their own versions Kuk describes this dance as dignifying the dancer and reflecting on life ○ 안무/국수호, 출연/김청우(국립국악원 무용단) ○ 주최 및 촬영/국립국악원[National Gugak Center] 04 Janghanga Janghanga refers to the hallyangmu dance choreographed by Master Guk Su-ho Guk named his dance "Seoul hallyangmu" for the premier, and then changed it to "janghanga It is the representative male dance in a traditional dance style that originates from the action of literati appearing in an ogwangdae mask, a play performed in south eastern province in Korea ○ Dance/Kim Cheong-u, Choreography/Guk Su-ho