Prenatal Mobility Flow for Birth Prep (25 Mins) - Birth Prep Exercises with a Yoga Block
This is a 25-min prenatal mobility flow with a yoga block. While the work we do feels good at any point during pregnancy, it's made with the third trimester in mind, focusing on birth prep exercises that mobilize and open the pelvis. Watch a quick preview of class here: • Birth prep mobility flow for the thir... EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Yoga block - this is the cork one I use https://urlgeni.us/amzn/YogaBlock CLASS DESCRIPTION: We'll start in a tabletop position with one knee elevated on the block to offset the pelvis and open up through one side at a time. We take this into some adductor opening and thoracic rotation. We then come to kneeling, working on moving our pelvis into a posterior tilt and opening the hip flexors. We finish class standing with one foot on the yoga block, working internal rotation of the hip and opening up the hamstrings. For reference, I am 35 weeks along in this video. Suitable for all trimesters, but made with the third trimester in mind (especially late third trimester as you near your due date!). -------------- I'm so excited to share prenatal Pilates workouts and mobility flows with you all throughout my pregnancy! In addition to being a STOTT trained Pilates Instructor, I am a Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist (certified through CES). So you're in good hands! That being said, I'm not there in the room with you to form-correct and give individual guidance. You should always consult with your doctor before partaking in a new form of movement. If anything doesn't feel right with your body or causes pain, stop. Every pregnancy is different, and your doctor's advice trumps any guidance I provide in these prenatal Pilates videos. _____ —Follow me on Instagram / nicolepearce —Follow me on TikTok / nicolepearcemovement —Follow me on Facebook / nicolepearcemovement #prenatalmobility #birthprep #laborprep equipment link is affiliate