Spicy, Sweet and Addictive Dried Shredded Squid (Ojingeochaebokkeum 오징어채볶음)
Have you had these slightly spicy, chewy and sweet stir fried dried squid strips (Ojingeochae Bokkeum, 오징어채 볶음) before? I remember when I was kid, I would eat a lot of this because it goes so well with steamed rice, a couple of other side dishes, and soup I don't know what it is but there's a hidden charm to this side dish and it definitely isn't just me as my husband looks for this side dish all the time so we never run out of this one 😄 Some people have plain dried squid strips as a drinking snack, especially with some beer at a bar in Korea I don't mind it as a snack but I prefer to have this as a side dish with rice I love the sweet and spicy taste What about you? 이렇게 살짝 매콤하고 쫄깃하고 달달한 오징어채 볶음 드셔보셨나요? 어렸을 때 밥과 반찬 몇 가지 그리고 국과 궁합이 잘 맞아 많이 먹었던 기억이나요! 뭔지 모르겠는데 이 밑반찬에 숨겨진 장점이 있는것같아요~ 남편도 맨날 찾는 반찬이라 저만 그렇게 생각하는 것 같진 않네요 😄 술 안주로 그냥 오징어채만 드시는 분들도 계시더라구요~ 특히 한국의 술집에서 맥주와 함께 나오더라구요~ 안주로 먹어도 상관없지만 밥반찬으로 드시면 좋을 것 같아요! 저는 달콤하고 매운 맛을 좋아해서ㅋㅋ 여러분들은 어느것을 좋아하시나요?