MIKE MENTZER: ORIGINAL HIT WORKOUT VIDEO #mikementzer   #gym   #motivation   #bodybuilding

MIKE MENTZER: ORIGINAL HIT WORKOUT VIDEO #mikementzer #gym #motivation #bodybuilding

To learn more about Mike Mentzer's life, legacy and teachings, please visit: https://www.hituni.com/about/mike-men... In this video, Mike Mentzer puts bodybuilder Markus Reinhardt through three Heavy Duty workouts using the principles that Mike advocated in his book “Heavy Duty II: Mind and Body.” Filmed the day before his death, this video represents Mike’s final thoughts on the important points of high-intensity training, including warm ups, exercises, sets and repetitions. This is the original video that was released in 2001, complete with commercial/ads for the sponsors of the video. To see more of Mike Mentzer check out these videos by Wayne Gallasch of GMV: MIKE & RAY MENTZER TRIPLE PACK DVD SET (V-209SP-DVD)  http://tinyurl.com/ym4vdkta MIKE & RAY MENTZER – GYM WORKOUT DOWNLOAD  (V-121)  http://tinyurl.com/2ua7p8rj MIKE MENTZER – FINAL CHAPTER DOWNLOAD  (V-208)  http://tinyurl.com/yc4efn8y