Let's Speak Korean S4Ep013 약속 좀 지켜 Keep your promise.
다 왔어 I'm almost there 2분이나 늦었어 You're an entire two minutes late 약속 좀 지켜 Keep your promise
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep013 약속 좀 지켜 Keep your promise.
Let's Speak Korean 4(Ep.13) Keep your promise - 약속 좀 지켜
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep082 아끼던 것들이야 These are all things I hold dear.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep009 서로 앞으로 말 놓자 Let's speak casually.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep055 뭘 도와드릴까요? What can I help you with?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep012 정말 너무 해요. You can't do this to us!
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep007 못 먹어요 I can't eat this.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep004 죄송합니다. I'm sorry.
Let's Speak Korean S1999Ep095 약속을 못 지켜서 미안해요
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep041 죽을 뻔 했다 That was close.
Let's Speak Korean S2Ep056 포기하지 말고 열심히 해. Don't give up and work hard.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep008 빌려줘 Can you lend me?
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep044 누워서 떡 먹기 That's a piece of cake!
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep003 그거 좋은 생각인데요. That's a good idea!
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep018 할 말 있어. I have something to tell you.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep017 혼자 할 수 있어. I can do it by myself.
Let's Speak Korean S4Ep048 합격하면.. if I pass this time.