Pit boss pro series | smoke bbq pork steaks on pellet grill

Pit boss pro series | smoke bbq pork steaks on pellet grill

Pork steaks are a cut of pork taken from the shoulder of the pig. This cut is also known as a Boston butt or pork blade steak. Taken from the same cut as pork shoulder (used for pulled pork), this cut of meat requires a long cook time to tenderize the meat. Smoking a pork steak is one way to infuse the meat with awesome flavor while cooking the meat to a juicy and tender finish. Big and hearty, these smoked pork steaks are simple to make and only require a few ingredients. They’re an affordable and delicious dinner option to serve to family and friends alike. Hope you like this video. P Big and hearty, these smoked pork steaks are simple to make and only require a few ingredients. They’re an affordable and delicious dinner option to serve to family and friends alike. Pit Boss Pro Series 1150 Pellet Grill https://pitbossgrills.77jaha.net/jr0Nbb Pit Boss Pellets https://pitbossgrills.77jaha.net/anVbMN Pit Boss website https://pitbossgrills.77jaha.net/ZQ5jvX To contact me 📧 [email protected] ⬇️ links ⬇️ ⬇️HowToBbqRight / killer hogs bbq rub⬇️ https://h2qshop.com/?ref=beginners_bbq_ ⬇️Lanes bbq sauce⬇️ https://www.lanesbbq.com/beginersbbqo... ⬇️Thermo pro Thermometer ⬇️ https://buythermopro.com/beginnersbbq... ​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ #pitbossnation #pelletgrill #beginnersbbq 🚨 About us 🚨 This is a channel where beginners can learn along with me, how to cook and use a pellet grill and a Blackstone Griddle. Learning how to season meats and knowing how to properly cook on a pellet grill and blackstone griddle. I have never used a pellet grill or a blackstone griddle, but together we will learn as we go. I hope you enjoy my videos.