Christmas Eve Music at St. Paul's Episcopal, Ventura, CA

Christmas Eve Music at St. Paul's Episcopal, Ventura, CA

Complete Christmas Eve Music - Live Recording - December 24, 2022 St. Paul's Choir - Tara Eisenhauer, director PRELUDE It came upon a midnight clear Love came down at Christmas What Child is This (arr. Roberts) Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Bach, arr. Riegger) Pastoral Symphony (Handel, arr. Kelley) Away in a manger Do You Hear What I Hear? (Regney/Shayne) O little town of Bethlehem Ding Dong Merrily on High (French Carol, arr. Pavone) SERVICE O Come, All Ye Faithful Angels we have heard on high Hark! the Herald Angels sing In Dulci Jubilo (Pearsall, arr. Westrook) Joy to the world! Jamaican Noel (Kirby Shaw) Infant Holy, Infant Lowly Go tell it on the mountain Night of Silence/Silent Night (arr. Kantor) More playlists! More music! More of us on YouTube! Music @ St. Paul’s - Choir Anthems and Psalms Music @ St. Paul’s - Piano Music @ St. Paul's - Communion Hymns and Solos Music @ St. Paul’s - Organ Facebook: St. Paul's Ventura St. Paul's Episcopal, Ventura, CA One License #A-719533 or CCLI License #21673077