WAKE UP YOGA | 10-Minute Yoga in Bed | CAT MEFFAN
This is a short 10-minute morning yoga stretch that can be done as soon as you wake up from bed. If you prefer to practice on a mat, please do. Join the Soul Sanctuary - https://mysoulsanctuary.co/ Download the Soul Sanctuary app - https://mysoulsanctuary.co/app -- FEATURED -- Sports bra - https://rstyle.me/+Wj5BbpCFCc6xXppZ6H... Joggers - https://rstyle.me/+CjgmAUoNOUSsptXBTl... Mat - https://liforme.com/?ref=catmeffan (use YOGAWITHCAT for discount) #wakeupyoga #morningyoga #10minuteyoga #yogastretch