What if we could Switch the Moon On & Off? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif
If we could Switch the Moon On/Off: People who love to sleep may keep the Moon always on. Humans might do this repeatedly, Moon might get very upset. Other moons may not like this, they may throw Earth out of the Solar System. Animals may get confused, they may not know when to sleep and when to wake up. Moon might get frustrated and grab the remote control from humans. Bosses may try to keep the Moon always off. Aliens might get super impressed, they might try to steal the remote from us. We might lose the remote, Moon might remain off forever. Even other planets may build their own remotes, Moons allover might face a lot of difficulties. Moon might get very frustrated, it may stop reflecting sun’s light altogether. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we could Switch the Moon On/Off? 1:39 - What if the Earth had 2 Moons? 2:39 - What if we Lived on the Moon? 3:43 - Why do we see only one side of the moon? 4:43 - Why does the moon turn red? 5:44 - Why do you weigh less on the moon? 7:30 - What if Moon became Brighter than the Sun? 8:41 - What if the Moon Broke in Half?` 9:58 - What if Earth had as many Moons as Jupiter? Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com