1. What Does It Mean To "Believe In" Jesus?

1. What Does It Mean To "Believe In" Jesus?

Everyone knows that John 3:16 says that if you "Believe In" Jesus you will get eternal life. But what exactly does it MEAN to "Believe In" Jesus? The answer to this question seems self-evident, but in reality, it is not. In this video we dive into the most important question ever asked and uncover the not-so-obvious truth of the most fundamental idea in all of Christianity. Want to get eternal life? ... Let's Go! [email protected] #jesus #bible #god #faithjourney #faith #faithboosters #faithingod #faithoverfear #faithinaction #faithful #faithandhope #believeinjesus #believe #believer #beliver #belief #god #godmessage #godmessageforme #godisgood #godsays #godsword #godslove #godsplan #godsaystoday #godsays #godmessagetoday #godmessagetodayforme #walkinspiritoftheholyspirit #holyspirit #holy #holybible #holywords #holybook #christianbelief #christianbeliefs #christianinspiration #christianityexplained #christian #christianity #christiansermons #christiansermon #jesusmessage #jesus #jesuschrist #jesuslovesyou #jesusislord #jesussaves #jesusteaching #jesusteachings #jesusteaches #jesusispoppin #jesusbeenpoppin #bible #biblebook #biblematthew #biblestudy #bibleverse #bibleverses #bibleverseoftheday #biblereading #gospel #gospelmessage #gospeltruth #gospelsermon #church #churchonline #churchservice #churchfamily #churchsermons #churchevents #ChurchCommunity #ChurchVolunteerOpportunities #ChurchDonations #ChurchPodcasts #ChurchMissions #ChurchSermonsOnline #ChurchNearMe #ChurchServices #ChurchWorshipServices #ChurchYouthMinistry #ChurchBibleStudyGroups #ChurchCounseling #ChurchGriefSupport #christianinspiration #christianbelief #christianityexplained #christian #christianity #christ #christianmotivation #christianteaching #christianteachings #prayers #eternallife #eternallifematters #john316 #christianmusic #worshipsongs #christianbeliefs #christiantestimonies #heaven #heavenlyfather #heavenlymessage #heavensays #hell #hellvsheaven #newtestament #newtestamentbiblestudy #preaching #preach #preacher #preachthetruth #lifeofjesus #churchonline #jesuswords #whatdochristiansbelieve #whatdoesthebiblesay #whatdoyoubelieve #whatischristianity #christianityexplored faith journey faith faith boosters faith in god faith over fear faith in action faithful faith and hope believe in jesus believe believer beliver belief god god message god message for me god is good god says gods word gods love gods plan god says today god says god message today god message today for me walk in spirit of the holy spirit holy spirit holy holy bible holy words holy book christian belief Christian beliefs christian inspiration christianity explained christian christianity christian sermons Christian sermon jesus message jesus jesus christ jesus loves you jesus is lord jesus saves jesus teaching jesus teachings jesus teaches jesus is poppin jesus been poppin bible bible book bible matthew bible study bible verse bible verses bible verse of theday bible reading gospel gospel message gospel truth gospelsermon church church online church service church family church sermons church events Church Community Church Volunteer Opportunities Church Donations Church Podcasts Church Missions Church Sermons Online Church Near Me Church Services Church Worship Services Church Childrens Ministry Church Youth Ministry Church Bible Study Groups Church Counseling Church Grief Support christian inspiration christian belief christianity explained christian christianity christ Christian motivation Christian teaching Christian teachings prayers eternal life eternal life matters john316 christian music worship songs Christian beliefs christian testimonies heaven heavenly father heavenly message heaven says hell hell vs heaven new testament new testament bible study preaching preach preacher preach the truth life of jesus church online jesus words what do christians believe what does the bible say what do you believe what is christianity christianity explored