"Death is Conquered" | Rev Isaac Johnson | Easter Eve Service | 08-04-2023 | 11.00 PM
Easter Eve Service | 08-04-2023 | 11.00 PM Topic : "Death is Conquered" Bible passage : Matthew 28 : 1 - 8 Speaker : Rev Isaac Johnson Theme for the month : Choose to Be Theme for the year : Right Choices Verse for the month : “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." - 2 Corinthians 5:21 The link for Offering & Tithes: https://legacy.thekirk.in/giving website: https://www.thekirk.in email id: [email protected] Phone : 044-25612608 / 93613 07288. @Kirk Live Events #thekirk #ChooseToBe #RightChoices