How to keep your Sourdough Starter Alive
Most videos and recipes that I’ve seen on how to do Sourdough Starter, talk about creating it from scratch. Or how to keep it on your counter and feed it every day. My husband and I work full time, but still want to make as much of our food from scratch as we can. This includes growing vegetables, canning, and yes, Sourdough bread. These are also good practices to adopt if you want healthier meals and less/no chemicals in your food. I don’t feed my starter every day. I make enough for as many loaves as I need that week PLUS some extra. Sometimes that’s only enough extra for one week, sometimes 2 weeks. I just keep it in the fridge til the next week. When my starter is bubbly and double or tripled in size, I take out the 250 grams I need for 2 loaves, then put the rest in the refrigerator where it stays til the following week. Recipe: 30g starter 125g warm water (around 100-105F) 135g bread flour 60-250-270 (x2) 90-375-405 (x3) 120-500-540 (x4)