Eat And Drink For Brain Health - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth

Eat And Drink For Brain Health - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth

While the brain takes up about 2% of our body's weight, it consumes 20% of its resources. So, it becomes no surprise that our mental health is highly dependent on digestion and the kind of foods and nutrition we choose to indulge in. For one thing, a healthy brain depends on a healthy intestine. Gut bacteria communicate to the brain, and when the balance is off, depression, anxiety and brain fog can result. Even schizophrenia and autism are associated with poor digestive health. That makes yogurt, fermented veggies and probiotic supplements must-haves for effective mental functioning. Refined sugars and hypoglycemia can negatively affect mental health. So going low-carb is important. Enjoy lots of fish, butter, coconut oil, eggs, supplemental omega-3 and six essential fatty acids. A higher intake of good fats makes the brain happy. B vitamins, the minerals zinc, iodine and magnesium are especially important for cognitive health. Don't forget to stay hydrated! Water thins the blood, making it flow more effectively, increasing perfusion and nutrient delivery to the brain. You can experience the brain boosting benefits of plain old water by guzzling three or four glasses in the morning as soon as you wake up. Within seconds of drinking, you'll notice a surge of energy and a clarity of thought that's almost as powerful, but much softer and gentler than coffee tea or caffeinated drinks. Find more Alternative Empowering articles, videos and sign up for our newsletter at: Click Here To Subscribe: Follow Us On Twitter:   / criticalhealthn   Follow Us On Facebook:   / criticalhealthnews   #BenFuchs #CriticalHealthNews #Nutrition #Coast2CoastAM