Typhoid Fever Treatment , Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, Vaccine, Medicine Lecture USMLE/NCLEX

Typhoid Fever Treatment , Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, Vaccine, Medicine Lecture USMLE/NCLEX

Typhoid Fever Treatment , Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, Vaccine, Medicine Lecture USMLE/NCLEX In this video on typhoid, i have talked about typhoid fever treatment and management guidelines in detail. i have also discussed severe typhoid (Quinolone resistant typhoid) Treatment and extensively Drug-resistant typhoid fever treatment. I have discussed symptoms, and clinical presentation of typhoid according to a week of salmonella Typhi infection. Pathogenesis of salmonella typhi and transmission of typhoid fever and typhoid vaccination is also explained. How to treat typhoid patients in hospital as well as in OPD is explained. This video is part of my medicine lectures series on infectious medicine which is a very high-yield chapter for USMLE step 2 CK as well as NCLEX, NLE, and neet pg exams. Chapters (Clickable) 0:00 Intro 0:11 Salmonella Typhi 0:36 Transmission 1:09 Pathogenesis 2:28 Clinical Symptoms (1st Week) 4:11 Symptoms (Week 2) 5:49 Symptoms (Week 3) 6:47 Diagnostic Tests 8:32 Treatment 9:37 Severe Typhoid Treatment (Quinolone Resistant) 10:49 Extensively Drug-Resistant Typhoid Treatment 11:43 Chronic Salmonella Infection 13:20 Typhoid Vaccine (Prevention) 14:27 In Summary FOLLOW ME ON :) Instagram:   / docwaqasfazal   Facebook:   / drwaqasfazal   SUBSCRIBE TO MEDNERD FOR MORE INTERESTING VIDEOS Infectious Medicine Playlist:    • Infectious Medicine Lectures   Cardiology Lectures:    • Cardiology Bootcamp Lectures   Neurology Lectures Playlist:    • Neurology Lectures   Emergency Medicine Lectures Playlist :    • Emergency Medicine Lectures   TOXICOLOGY/POISONING LECTURES:    • Toxicology/Poisoning Lectures   #typhoidfever #typhoidfeversymptoms #typhoidfevertreatment #typhoidcauses #typhoidtests #typhoiddiagnosisandtreatment #typhoiddiagnosistest #typhoidfevermanagement #typhoidvaccine #howsalmonellatyphiinfectthebody #chronictyphoidcarriertreatment #chronictyphoid #howtotreattyphoid #howtotreattyphoidfever #howtotreattyphoidpatients #howtotreattyphoidfeverinenglish typhoid fever usmle,typhoid nursing,nclex,typhoid medicine lecture