Traditional Worship | November 20, 2022 9am | Prince of Peace Orlando
Traditional Worship | November 20 2022 9:00am | Prince of Peace Orlando | Pastor Ken Green, Pastor Adolfo Borges * * * * "Christ the King: Jesus Reigns" | Scripture: Luke 23:27-43, Colossians 1:13-20, Malachi 3:13-18 This Sunday is Christ the King Sunday. We celebrate Christ’s reign among us. As the creator of the universe and ruler of all, it is no small thing that He has called us to be His people and placed us under His reign. And yet, there are so many circumstances in this world where—by appearances only—it might not seem like Jesus in on the throne. Disasters, violence, even events in our own lives can leave us asking, “Is the Lord really in charge?” Jesus doesn't look much like a king at His crucifixion. Yet the one thief recognizes Jesus’ reign and appeals to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into Your kingdom.” Even—and especially—at the cross Jesus reigns supreme. How will you and I, by faith, receive His reign in our lives, and how will we proclaim His reign to the world? * * * * Prince of Peace Orlando is a Christ-centered, multicultural church inspired by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament to engage the community with God’s grace and love. Get to know more about Prince of Peace Orlando at www.poporlando.com. To support this ministry and help us continue to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus in the heart of Orlando, click here: http://www.poporlando.com/give/ * * * * Stay Connected Website: http://www.poporlando.com Facebook: / princeofpeaceorlando Instagram: / poporlando Twitter: / poporlando * * * * CCLI License # 1284252 CCLI Streaming License # 20201471 One License # A-719380